English Literature

Course aims

This course encourages learners to develop as critical, autonomous readers with the skills to analyse and evaluate texts from different times and genres. Learners will be expected to read widely and make contributions to class discussion of texts.

Entry requirements

You will require grade 6 in both English language and English literature, or combined English in addition to the general entry requirements.

Course content

Over the two years of the course you will study the work of selected poets from both pre-1900 and post-1900. Along with the study of prose fiction novels taken from pre-andpost 2000. Drama texts will include Jacobean and modern 20th century drama, along with extracts from a wide variety of prose fiction and poetry.

Course assessment

A combination of examination and coursework.


Dudley Sixth will supply all set texts although learners may choose to purchase their own copies.


Higher Education or university. An English A level is valued by universities and employers. Career options: English can lead to a variety of careers. The skills it develops can lead to teaching, journalism, business, management and information services e.g. librarianship.