Students’ Union

Students, have you ever wondered what the Students’ Union is? The good news is, you’re already enrolled as a member of the Students’ Union and it’s free for all Dudley Sixth students.
The Students’ Union is run by students FOR students, and every year you get the opportunity to vote for who leads the Union. All students are encouraged to run in the elections for class rep or union officer, these students then attend training and meetings, enhancing college life for all students.
Your Union is part of the National Union of Students, which offers you a direct link to have your voice heard by the government. The Students’ Union are a political organisation, advocating equal opportunities, a cleaner environment and a better future for you.
If you have any problems whilst on your course or you get into trouble at college, we will be there to listen and make sure you get the support you deserve. We are by your side!
Education is important, and our number one job is to ensure you receive the education you deserve, however that’s not all, as friendship and fun is also really important to us. The Students’ Union arranges trips and activities to make college life as enjoyable as possible, and at a discounted rate!
Keep an eye on our social media and website to stay updated.
Welcome to the Students’ Union, get ready for an amazing year, the future is exciting and you’ve got this!
Creating Community
By offering activities, events, clubs and social groups the SU support students to get the most from their social life, meet new people and make new friends.

Throughout the year, the Union organise a variety of trips/events which include; Freshers Fayre, Alton Towers, Young People’s Question Time, London Parliament, Blackpool Pleasure Beach, nightclub parties, Drayton Manor, residentials, adventure activity pursuits and sporting activities. There will also be a number of smaller trips/events running directly related to specific student clubs and student requests. All Union activities are open to all members. If there is something you are particularly interested in doing let us know, we’re always looking for inspiration!
Clubs & Societies
Do you have a passion for something? Whether it is gaming, keeping fit or chocolate appreciation, the Union can help you to set up a club or society. We will support you with financial costs, resources and help you run trips/events throughout the year. If you are unsure about what you would like to do, some clubs such as ‘Social Football, Retro Gamers, Pool Society and Breakfast club will be running from September. All students are welcome to join any club or society at any time of the year.
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Awards

These exciting and prestigious awards offered through the Students’ Union give you the opportunity to take part in a range of challenging activities. You will learn map reading and survival skills, take part in expeditions and complete a volunteering project. You will make new friends and enjoy a spirit of adventure.